Ch.9 Sickness
■Y/N's POV■
I'm fixing my dress and pick up my bag. I head to the entrance and put my shoes on. Opening the door and I wait in front of my room, waiting for Semi.
Semi used to walk out of his room at this time. But now I've been waiting for five minutes and he's still not out.
Is something wrong?
I walk to his door and press the bell.
No response...
I press the bell one more time and then I hear a "crap, wait". I hear footsteps coming closer and Semi's door is open.
Semi: Y/N... (cough) sorry I overslept... gimme a se-
I cut him off as I step closer and place my hand on his forehead.
He's burning up...
Y/N: Semi... you're burning... you can't come to work... no
I push Semi inside his apartment. Getting further into his place.
Semi: Y/N... I'm fine (cough)... We can go to the office togethe- (cough)
I make him sit on the couch and he looks up at me.
Y/N: no... you're not... it's probably because you cover me from the rain yesterday... I'm sorry Semi... please rest...
I feel bad now, Semi got sick because he protected me yesterday and didn't cover his own head.
Semi: Y/N...
I look at him, Semi is staring at me with gentle eyes.
Semi: it's not your fault okay... okay I'm gonna stay at home today... I'm gonna rest...
Semi places his big hand on my head, making my heart skips a beat.
Semi: now you should head off, or you're gonna be late...
Y/N: o-okay... I'll tell the office okay... please rest now Semi...
With that, I walk out of Semi's place and head to work.
I can't seem to put my head to focus. I'm worried about Semi. What should I do to help him? Semi has been helping me a lot these days.
Seto: so Semi is sick?
I look back at Seto san.
Y/N: yes, he has a fever, his body is burning...
Seto: he should eat Miso soup, my mother used to make me that when I catch a cold or a fever...
That's it...
Y/N: Seto san... thank you!
Seto: oh what, um okay... what did I do?
Right after my shift ends, I head to buy some ingredients and medicines. I want to make miso soup for Semi.
I head to his door and press the bell, not long after the door is open.
■Semi's POV■
My head is hurt, but I need to see the person who rings my bell. When I open it, I saw Y/N looking up at me. Y/N brings some bags with her.
Semi: Y/N? What is it?
Y/N: Semi... please... let me cook for you...
I was surprised, she looks serious and worried. I don't want to bother her but she already came with some ingredients I guess.
Semi: uh... okay... please come in...
Crap... my house is a mess...
I was too dizzy to move so I didn't clean up. Some piles of music sheets are on the floor, and my files from works also shattered around.
Even my clothes from yesterday are laying on the floor. I'm about to pick it up when a hand stops me. I look up to see Y/N's worried face.
Y/N: Semi please sit... I'll help cleaning up as well...
Semi: what? No, I can't possibly make you do that!
Y/N: please... I... felt guilty because you're sick... so
Semi: Y/N I told you it's not-
Y/N looks up at me with her big round (e/c). God, I almost stop breathing just from looking at them. How am I supposed to refuse when she looks at me like that.
Semi: okay... thank you...
Y/N looks happy and excited. She makes me sit on the couch and head to the kitchen first to put the ingredients on the counter.
I lay on my back on the couch, hugging the pillow, but sometimes looking at her. She's picking my clothes and then look around and found the laundry basket.
After that, she starts cooking. Not long after a good smell spread all around the house.
While waiting for whatever she made to cooked, she cleans up my house. Stacking my piles of music sheets, tidying my works files, and places them on the shelves. And she even mops the floor.
She heads back to the kitchen and checking on the pot. And then serves it in a bowl.
Seeing her doing all of that, make a thought cross my mind.
It's as if I have a wife...
Just then I realize what I've been thinking about, I slap my own self.
Y/N: Semi??
Semi: ah... there's a mosquito on my cheek hehe...
Y/N: oh... okay...
Y/N came with a tray in her hands, and place the food on the table.
She made me miso soup and some tekka maki.
Y/N: I made these soup to help you recover from your cold... and these tekka maki to lift your appetite... please eat up and get well soon Semi...
Like hell, I'm not gonna eat it. Even if it's not my favorite food, if she made it I'll definitely eat it.
Semi: thanks for the food... Y/N you too should eat with me...
Y/N: uh... o-okay...
With that, she took a serving for herself and we eat together.
■3rd Person POV■
Semi and Y/N eat together, Semi is delighted because of it. After they finished all of the food, Y/N told Semi to go to his room and lay down.
Semi chuckles but follows her instructions. It's a rare sight to see the timid Y/N act like a strict person.
Semi lay down on his bed after drinking the medicine and the effect finally kicks, made him sleepy and fall asleep.
Y/N had just finished washing the plates and peeks inside Semi's room.
Y/N: he's sleeping...
But the Y/N realize that Semi's sweating. She comes into his room and checks his temperature again.
Y/N: he still has a fever...
Y/N go to the kitchen and take a basin and a towel. She fills the basin with warm water and goes to Semi's room again.
Y/N dips the towel in the water and squeezes it before putting it on Semi's forehead.
She uses another towel to wipes his sweats away. Semi could feel that someone gently wiping his sweats so he opens his eyes.
Semi: Y/N...
Y/N: Semi... just go to sleep okay...
Semi sees Y/N's gently smiling at him while taking care of him. In his mind right now, he's glad that he's sick.
Semi slowly closes his eyes again, capturing Y/N's figure before he falls asleep again. His hand reaches out and grab Y/N's arm.
Semi: stay... Y/N...
Y/N listens to what Semi just said, but by the time she looks at him, his eyes are already closed. Y/N smiles at this and changes the towel on his head.
Y/N: okay...
When Y/N is about to get out of Semi's room to change the water. She sees something that caught her out of breath.
On the wall above Semi's desk, there are a lot of photos of Semi with his friends. Some with his volleyball teammates from Shiratorizawa, and his bandmates. But the thing that caught her attention is a photo of Semi and her.
It was a photo from their 2nd year of high school. Semi has his arm on her shoulder. Y/N feels her heart clenches and she left the room to change the water.
When she's back and about to change the towel, she couldn't help but look at the photo again.
Y/N: why... did you keep that... Semi...
Y/N stares at her ex's face while placing the new towel on his head. Y/N sighs and places her head on the bed, while she sits on the floor.
The memories of when that photo was taken came to her head
And... she falls asleep...
While thinking about the good old time....
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